Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It Takes Years to Compile Plumbing Knowledge

It's difficult to imagine the changes that come about as a 75 year old company matures and changes with the economic times.  Many faces change and others become a fixture inside the walls of Community Home Supply, Co. Sometimes you go to a store and you find a person who knows the answer, can find the answer, or will get you the answer. These are the people who make Community Home Supply, Co. the place to shop for kitchen and bathroom products and design.

People like Mark Kestler, our Customer Service Manager who for nearly thirty years has been here, to sell, troubleshoot, and service your plumbing needs.  With a smile, and know how, and every bit of his heart, Mark will talk you through, or show you how to make your kitchen and bathroom products work effectively for you.
Current Owner Marla (Greenspan) Richardson, with Past Owner Howard Greenspan, and one of the Original Owners, Belle Greenspan

Mark fondly recalls the people who have influenced him throughout his time spent at Community Home Supply, Co. He recalls names from the "Way Back Machine" such as Jerry Cohn, and Larry Couty. Both men had an encyclopedia of knowledge for plumbing, heating, and general technical know how. He remembers, When Larry had a free minute, he would pull Mark to the side, and tell him "This guy is asking for this...but what he doesn't know is, he is also going to need this." It is this type of thorough problem solving and foresight that has allowed Community Home Supply, Co. to sustain its home on Lincoln Avenue.

Mark Kestler - Customer Service Manager
Mark's most recent influence comes from a familiar face from Community Home Supply, Co.  Rafael is one our current employees at the plumbing counter. Mark says, although he has more experience than Rafael, he find's himself trading information, and learning from Rafael. We are grateful to have both gentlemen on staff.

Mark Kestler in the Middle of an Install.
Recently welcomed back to the halls of Community Home Supply, Co. is Joel Richardson. Joel has spent close to forty years in the industry. He brings with him, outside sales experience as well as technical understanding and knowledge of the industry.  He too spent time working at Community in his past. He remembers and was influenced by the past employees such as, Michael Schmidt, John Hock, and Retired Owner Howard Greenspan.  He remembers Howard was always eager to impart knowledge, not only to his employees and customers, but to aid newcomers in the industry. He advised from experience, things like, pitfalls to watch out for, product knowledge, and training.
Joel Richardson - Community Home Supply, Co.
Joel also recalls John Hock. John, not only helped customers and employees understand what to do, and how to do it, he truly loved plumbing and was licensed to practice. If you asked him for help he would patiently explain it until you understood it, However, if you walked away, or became distracted during the lesson...Well, that was your last lesson from him. His understanding of his craft was second to none.

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